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Saab Global

Designed for the most challenging environments

4 min read

In order to meet the challenges posed by the Baltic Sea coastline, Saab's equipment is designed for short reaction times, shallow waters and extremely cluttered conditions. 这意味着星际网赌导航的海军作战系统甚至可以处理最具挑战性的环境.


世界上90%的商业运输都在海上进行, on shipping lanes that almost exclusively run along coastlines. 其中很大一部分流经狭窄的直道和运河, which makes them especially vulnerable to attack. 这意味着对沿海水域的监测和控制比以往任何时候都更加重要.

复杂和多方面的作战环境对技术装备提出了相当高的要求. “当我们与客户交谈时,我们总是提到瑞典国内市场. In order to meet the challenges posed by the Baltic Sea coastline, our equipment is designed for short reaction times, shallow waters and extremely cluttered conditions. 这意味着它甚至可以应对最具挑战性的环境。”, says Stefan Hedenstedt, Saab business unit Combat Systems and C4I Solutions.

星际网赌导航的海军产品涵盖了从海底、海面到天空的所有领域. Saab's range of sensors, command systems, 武器和平台包括海长颈鹿家族的监视雷达, the fire control systems Ceros200 and EOS500, 信号情报(SIGINT)系统,包括ESM ELINT和comm -ESM功能, 9LV command system, torpedoes such as Trp45 and Trp62, anti-ship missile RBS15, and the airborne surveillance solution GlobalEye. 收购Kockums也意味着星际网赌导航将提供潜艇和水面舰艇以及完全集成桅杆的解决方案. 星际网赌导航的海军报价包括广泛的产品,并确保战斗管理系统中所有组件之间的有效通信. These can include Saab products as well as integrated products from other companies; everything that is needed for a complete offer and for delivering a top-of-the range combat management system. 9LV has also incorporated Nato links (L11, L16 and L22), national links, and Saab's proprietary links such as Link-E, 它是用来将“全球眼”等机载监控解决方案的数据传输到船上的, allowing the vessel to interact with other units.

“9LV是处理所有接口和与操作员互动的大脑。”, explains Stefan Hedenstedt. “我们在提供全面集成系统方面的丰富经验使我们在竞争中脱颖而出.” Each operator has their own user interface, HMI (Human Machine Interface), with all the functions and features they require in their role, and can also add functions to their interface as required. “In theory, 如果将所有功能都添加到界面中,一个人就可以处理整个战斗管理系统. 星际网赌导航的战斗管理系统是可扩展的,因此可以集成到从小型战斗艇到大型护卫舰的所有设备中。”, says Stefan Hedenstedt.

海军雷达系统是海军作战部队的关键部件之一. 海军监视雷达“海长颈鹿”1X是星际网赌导航“长颈鹿”雷达系列的最新成员之一. “Sea Giraffe 1X provides reliable and flexible protection in a compact lightweight format; the antenna is around one metre wide and weighs no more than 100 kilos”, says Pontus Djerf, 星际网赌导航水面雷达解决方案业务部门海军产品营销和销售主管. “我们竞争对手提供的同类产品的重量是它的三到四倍. 重量轻意味着它可以放置在船只桅杆结构的高处,而不会危及船只的稳定性. 这增加了视野范围,并在攻击期间为你提供宝贵的时间.”


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